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I'm interested in joining, what's next?

Joining requires two goals:

Take the Pledge: Make a multi-year commitment to give annually to the field of criminal justice reform (minimum of $100k for three years). Please click here to contact Mauricio, our Head of Partnerships for more info.

Invest: Make a personally meaningful investment with One for Justice - either through the One for Justice 'Catalytic' Fund/Action Fund or via using our advisory services. 100% member participation ensures that we can move quickly and invest as a community in shared strategy.

We welcome both seasoned criminal justice reform advocates as well as those new to the field.

What are the benefits of being a member?

  • Community: One for Justice creates opportunities for our members to build deep relationships with each other, as well as leaders in the movement. . This includes an annual gathering for all members and justice leaders from across the country, monthly in-person member salons, select opportunities to meet virtually, and 1:1 connections over shared interests.
  • Education: The One for Justice  community is committed to learning and action. We host issue briefings, salons, and giving circles. We organize site visits to prisons, as well as the newest models for justice alternatives.   Our member-driven is encouraged to share investment opportunities, ideas, and potential programming with our staff and each other.
  • Advising: We support members to give strategically, thereby ensuring that our collective dollars are properly leveraged. We integrate c3, c4 and political giving, invest in an ecosystem of change, and support directly impacted communities. Work with the One for Justice team and advisory board to create a list of giving recommendations tailor-made to your interests and priorities, or invest in the O4J Catalytic Fund strategy.

What does it mean to join one for justice?

  • Ongoing Support: The One for Justice team will onboard and work directly with each member to understand their interests and goals. Through regular check-ins members will be provided with bespoke philanthropic support and learning opportunIties, achieved through a ‘wraparound’ model that considers the member’s interests, goals, ‘risk appetite’ and experience level, as well as access to a collaborative fund for members to invest together as effectively as possible.
  • Participation: We don't have a requirement on participating in any of our content, but we are interested in members who will be active in the community. We host an annual summit for all members, smaller co-investment gatherings, monthly in-person salons, and virtual briefings.
  • Organizing: We expect to grow this community primarily through our members. We ask every member to not just be an investor, but to be an organizer - host a dinner, introduce us to two friends, etc. That's how we grow this army for justice.